Why the Deadly Asbestos Industry is Still Alive and Well

Deadly Asbestos

This video covers Russia and the USA and shows that the dangers of asbestos are not being taken seriously, or if they are, still very little is being done about them at a top level.

Why might this be? Well, one of the major sayings when it is difficult to find an answer to something happening that seems nonsensical is to “Follow The Money”. That means that you should look at the situation to see whether someone couldĀ  be making money from things staying as they are. (It follows on from the French saying, “Cherchez la femme”, which means to look for the woman behind what a man is doing!) You may also know the saying as “Money Talks”, that is, if money is available for doing or not doing something, it is likely that it will or will not be done, no matter how serious or nonsensical the situation.

Where might the money be in relation to asbestos?

  1. There is nothing as good and cheap as asbestos when it comes to fireproofing and insulating. Manufacturers still want to use it. If they cannot use it in developed countries, they will use in less developed countries.
  2. The countries or companies that own the deposits of asbestos want to make money from them.
  3. There are large deposits of asbestos available and the mines that extract it provide jobs and incomes in some remote areas, where no other jobs are available.